Laporan Prakerin

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With thanks and gratitude to Almighty God, that the preparation of this report I can not finish with baik.Walaupun so semppurna, this report is a task that is given as a condition of the national final exams (UAN) academic year 2008 / 2009.

The author realized that the preparation of this report there are still many shortcomings that, this is due to the ability and experience of the author is not how much, therefore the authors openly accept criticism and suggestions from readers in order to enhance the progress of this report.

The author also did not forget to say thank you to:

1. Mr. Drs.R.simarmata as Principal of SMK Negeri 1 SIDIKALANG

2. Ibu.Dra.S.Siburian who served as task force Prakerin.

3. Bapak.Drs.J.Maniuruk who served as head of the Program in TKJ SMK Negeri 1 Sidikalang.

4. Mr. E.Sihombing.Amd who served as my mentor Prakerin field.

5. By Special to both my parents who supported me to do this Prakerin.

6. And also To my friends who have to advise the progress of this report.


Adi Fitri Nainggolan




Double Sysstem Education 1.Pengertian (PSG)

a. Organization diklatjur the partnership between the school with DUDI

b. Prioritizing relevance and proportionality (Link and Match)

c. Diklatjur characteristic, that the competence and skills developed working with the world of work maupan formal non-formal.

Education Syatem implementation 2.Tujuan Ganda (PSG)

a. Improving the quality and relevance diklatjur through partner institutions

b. Produce graduates who have the knowledge and skills appropriate etoskerja employment guidance actually

c. Produce graduates who have cognitive, affective and psychomotor

d. Giving recognition of work experience as an educational process

e. Increasing efficiency by utilizing the work ethic suberdaya education in the world of work.


The implementation is the basis Prakerin are:

1. PP.No.39 of community participation in national pedidikan.

Article 4 item 87 explicitly states that the form and nature of the role include: "Providing Internship or fieldwork"

2. Decision of education and culture minister No.0490/U/1992

a. Article 21 paragraph 25: study materials and lessons that support the productive and penyesuain mastery propesional attitude, given through training for self / employment opportunities to be filled.

b. Article 30 point 3 and 4: the activities of production units in vocational efforts include the production activities of the practice of apprenticeship in the business world.

c. Article 33: Vocational cooperation with the business world include kegitan Prakerin or industry work practices.

1. Implementation Objectives Prakerin

The conduct of the objectives of industrial working practices are:

1) To increase students' knowledge of knowledge of the business world

2) Train students to work in the field

3) Train students to apply knowledge and skills in the world of work

4) Provide input to the weakness of the received lessons in school

5) Train students to communicate their experiences in written form.

2. Background Prakerin

Education System Practice industry must work in lakasanakan by students as a prerequisite to follow (UAN). Implementation of work practice lately industry has very important meaning and have a role for students as the future generation and the State, because of the following has Prakerin in planted motivation or encouragement to the sisiwa, and to open and increase the sense of confidence / trust to ourselves to always work hard with discipline based on the strong and frequency can be sehinnga become fully human bermoraldan.

3. Development Goals Report

The Development Goals Report:

1. To overcome the problems we experienced during the conduct Prakerin

2. To conduct supervision and guidance

3. To take something that is more effective

4. To determine the latest techniques

5. To find out to which knowledge of the tasks performed in the DUDI.



2.1.Program Work

1. Installing Operating System - Windows XP

2. Install additional applications are:

Ø Microsoft Office 2003

Ø Anti-Virus

Peripheral treatment 3.Melakukan

2.Langkah-step install XP 2

Equipment is needed:


2. CD Install Windows XP service Pack 2

Cacatan must use the 10 GB hard drive

Before trying to install windows in the BIOS to set the Boot device Porority his first CD which diarahan to go into BIOS Room.Untuk each motherboard has a standard living sendiri.Namun most pressing delete or F2.Ketika first booting press F2 or delete to enter into BIOS.Karena all preparations are ready, we immediately start ...

1. Insert the windows install CD into the CD / DVD Room, then press the power button, after that when Booting quickly press the delete button, if it does not go into the BIOS is the type of motherboard you use the F2 key to unuk entered kedalamBIOS.Ulangi reset button and press F2 . If you have entered into the BIOS then there will appear a picture.

After that point the options and select the Boot CD /-Room drive, then save your changes by selecting exit earlier and (Yes), then restart the computer will return.

Note: In some types of motherboards are hotkey or shorcout to vote without first booting into the BIOS, is pressing F10 Carana

2. After the computer restarts, there will be a view that is offered if you want to install press sembarangtombol, after which the image will appear.
3. Then look will be like below, if you press the button (R) (enter) then you will want to repair windows operating systems that already exist on your hard drive, because we want to install press the button
4. Then will come the warning license and press the (F8)
5. After that you enter into the most important part of the partition (division) hard drive, in this installation we have a disk for us for 10 GB.yang be 2 partitions, with details for the 5 GB document.Langkahnya as follows: Press button (C) for create a partition, its fill size of 5000MB, this is a partition drive C, press (Enter). With Tampi; of drive C 5 GB (which was not approached persisi MB 4997). Then press the C button again to create the remaining partitions, and press (enter). berikut.Gambar will look like under inio shows that we've managed to do Parisi, namely C and E each 5 GB.
6. Then we went into the sixth step, we iberiakn 4 choices for the type select the best format for quick mode NFS type press Enter
7. And there will be viewing the file copying hard drive, wait a while until loading sesesai
8. Tungu a while because the computer will Booting again, when booting your computer no longer need to press any button, and the windows install process was berlangsung.setelah few moments you will be maemasukkan send your name and organization and press next and after a few minutes you will be ordered enter serial number windows install dank ilk next, after that then enter the regional time in Indonesia, select the area of Djakarta and 07.00 GMT next.Bagian ilk is to set the network type, we can install menyettingngnya when finished, click Next, and click Next once more . then there will be cancel and view your kilk Ok Ok and loading windows for first kali.Klik Next, select select Skip.Untuk registration, no, no at tihid time and then Next.

This is an option for computer users, you can choose how many users (Finish), Looks windows display the first time, the installation process is complete. you want, install the windows are finished, press

3.Langkah-step Install Anti Virus

1. The first step to Install anti - virus are seeking kespersky exe file anti-virus personal 5.0 that have been downloaded on your windows explorer, then double click the file Kav 5.0.121_personalen.exe

2. After that will come the page and click Next

3. This will bring up pages from the license kaspersky anti-virus, here you only need to press the button I Aggre

4. On this page, please enter your personal data in the User name field

5. Then enter the information page, click next

6. On the page "License Key file" this you must enter key or keys that have didownload.Untuk looking kilk button indicated by the arrow

7. Once you are kilk page will appear as shown below, please direct your place to store files that have been in Key.Key click once on Download.Kemudian Key file. He will appear in the file name (automatically), then double-click / open

8. Once you enter will appear Key.Key file as an image display below, which indicates that the file has been Key.Key in masukkan.Kemuidan click Next

9. Later on this page, you can menetnukan installation folder or program temapt kaspersky anti virus.klik browser, and then will appear smaller page as shown below ini.silahkan choose where instalnnya, kekemudian click ok

10. On this page you live press the Next button, and the process will berjan

11. This page shows the installation process which can be in the know with the blue line continues bergerak.Setelah completed the installation process, you can continue to click Next

12. This page was last of the process pengina \ stalan.Ssilahkan you select yes, I want to restart my computer.untuk your merestrat your computer and then click finish



A. Conclusions

Regarding the industry internship carry it out (Prakerin) System Double authors conclude that, the author can in katakana education or increasing the author's experience as a writer working program can be implemented properly.

B. Suggestions

Advice authors to readers, if there are mistakes and shortcomings I help writers in order to convey the author knows the weaknesses and strengths.

To Mr / Mrs Supervising teachers so that students who are the father / mother teacher guide for next year over the note from the teacher only sebelumnnya.Karena can pembimbinglah direct mebimibing students to make the rights of a better and useful.

Special and Dad head and secretary of the department programs, presumably for the children who carry out the next Prakerin Prakerin School to give freedom to improve the hadware, because then the knowledge of the hardware could be increased.

The attention of the reader especially to Mr / Mrs teachers who guided me for 5 months, I say many thanks.


Irwan Robert Sinaga

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